VertiGrove was launched by Shri Bharat Mammoty at Kairali Kathir award ceremony conducted on 2nd July at Koorkenchery , Thrissur. This function is an annual event where the most deserving farmers are recognized for their contribution.  The Hon. Minister for Agriculture  Adv Sunil Kumar inaugurated the event and Satyan Anthikad was the guest of honor.

The VertiGrove Team had the good fortune to present Padmasree Bharat Mammoty with their product in a venue graced by top agricultural minds and the true salt of the earth, our farmers. It was indeed a revelation to witness the farmer in Mammoty sir and Satyan Andhikad and how the film fraternity came together to bestow their love on the hard-working tillers of the soil.

We were truly humbled in the presence of  Cheruvayal Raman, Kerala’s seed conservationist who has dedicated his life for preserving the dwindling reserve of paddy.  He has been preserving and distributing for free around 40 different varieties of paddy seeds from his village in Wayanad.  The guardian of native paddy seeds was awarded the best farmer award. The  best  farmer female went to Mrs Rosy Emmanuel , an enterprising housewife who integrated fish, poultry and crops to create a financial viable farming model. The most innovative farmer award was awarded to a local farmer who is also a passionate conservationist. A special award was given to Bhubha. Disabled from the waist down in childhood she has lived her life on her own terms by farming her land and raising her son from her livelihood.

We at VertiGrove came away inspired and more convinced that we need to take farming everywhere.  Farming tethers us our roots, fosters hard work and  fills our soul.  Working the earth definitely unites us and makes us better human beings.  And that was what we witnessed in the solemn gathering yesterday where tillers of the earth stood shoulder to shoulder with the most glamorous actor.

Lets farm, Lets VertiGrove.

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